
Unleash the haunting beauty and sonic decay of Chernobyl.
Chemical texture with Glitches, drones, and warped soundscapes

Unleash the haunting beauty and sonic decay of Chernobyl.
Chemical texture with Glitches, drones, and warped soundscapes

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.WAV Files

"Lost Tape Vol. 1" a sample pack and loop kit inspired by the abandoned city. Chemical texture with Glitches, drones, and warped soundscapes evoke the eerie atmosphere of the disaster zone. Lost ambient background and atmospheric textures capture the desolate landscapes and haunting silence. Dark trap hip hop samples with twisted melodies and distortion provide a foundation for your darkest creations.

- 12 Full Composition 24-bit WAV Files - 61 Stems at the end of tracks.
*Allowed You To Personalized Each Instruments by Your own will*

With all daws

Universal compatibility across all major DAWs,
including FL Studio, Logic Pro, Ableton Live, Pro Tools,
GarageBand (macOS & Mobile), Maschine, Cubase, Reaper, and any other sampler.

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